After transitioning for a year, I have been fully natural for over six months. And just like any new natural, I have length envy. I want my curls to drape like Solange, when I’ve only been in the game for 18 months. As I am figuring out my curl pattern and testing out the best products for me, I came across an insightful article from The article provides eight great tips to help grow your natural hair.
Outside of obviously keeping your hair moisturized and getting your ends trimmed regularly, there are also some additional tips that I never would have imagined. For example, did you know that boiling rose petals in distilled water, then applying the rinse to your hair (after it's cooled down) can make your hair super soft? Also, eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut and pickles helps our body absorb the daily vitamins and minerals needed to promote hair growth. There are a few more tips such as scalp massages and hair growth shampoos.
Check them out here and let me know if you are newly natural, or have been in the game for years!