We “sprung forward” over a month ago, and my urge to push the snooze button has significantly increased. It’s something about having the house at a comfortable temperature – it is not warm enough consistently for air conditioning, and it is not cool enough for the heat. Being wrapped up snuggly in my blanket, and trying to come out of my anti-histamine fueled slumber can be a bad combination when I need to get up and start my day. No matter what time I go to bed, it’s becoming just a little harder to get out of bed in the mornings. The boys have been back on their school schedule for a few months now, but I think I’ll blame my snooze parties on my shortened commute time due to the pandemic. I know I am not the only one struggling with this issue – I recently found out that someone I know literally rolls out of bed at 8:55 am to start work at 9:00 am. And this is still after hitting the snooze button several times. If constantly hitting the snooze button is an issue in your morning routine that you would like to change, you’re in luck. There’s an app for that.
Let’s be honest – you sleep with your phone on your nightstand, windowsill, or under your pillow. This will make it that much easier to access these apps that are intended to allow you to have a more restful sleep and decrease your urge to hit the snooze button. FabFitFun has compiled a list of apps to help, and here are a few below. You can see the full list here.
Headspace is classified as a meditation app but with the full monthly subscription, you get access to their Sleep library, which has countless sleep meditations, white noise, and stories to listen to before you go to bed. These meditations will help you fall asleep and stay asleep, making it a little easier to wake up in the morning.
This app is already pre-installed on your iPhone because it’s hidden within the “Clock” app. You program Bedtime with how many hours of sleep you want, what time you will go to sleep, and then what time you want to wake up. It calculates that and will put you on a sleep schedule. Because it understands your sleeping patterns, it will slowly wake you up so you aren’t alarmed (pun intended) when it’s time to wake up in the morning.
Sleep Cycle is an app that combines meditation and a slow-rising alarm. All you have to do is put your phone on the mattress while you sleep and it will detect your sleeping patterns, eventually finding a way to slowly and calmly wake you up. The alarm will only start beeping once the app finds you to be in a light state of sleep. If you want to further analyze your sleep, that’s when you can subscribe to the premium edition.
Starting your day off with a structured routine may help you get out of bed a little faster. Well, at least that’s what this app wants you to think. Morning Routine lets you set different times for different tasks, that way your routine is all laid out for you before you get out of bed.