There are 40 days left in 2019. 40 days left in the decade. Thanksgiving is next week. Christmas is in 35 days. Let all of that sink in. If you’re anything like me, life and circumstances have gotten in the way and your weight/body goals have suffered. Because of this, I am cognizant of the lack of gym time my schedule no longer permits and I try my best to eat healthy.
I also have a bad habit of eating on the go, not eating a proper meal, or just favoring rest overeating. When I do have the time to partake in some form of sustenance, Lord knows I try to eat healthy (He knows my heart). Luckily My Fitness Pal has provided some tips on snacking when you’re actively trying to lose weight. What are some tips and tricks that have helped you be a healthy snacker?
You can view the rest of the tips here.
Happy snacking!
Also, if you’re looking for ways to prevent overeating during the holidays, check out some helpful tips here!