My gym LA Fitness has closed its doors as a precautionary measure to stop the spread of COVID-19. So what does this mean for our fitness goals? Just because we can’t physically go to the gym doesn’t mean we shouldn’t find alternative ways to work out and stay fit. I refuse to emerge from this quarantine looking like the Michelin Man, so as a family we have started daily walks around our neighborhood, and kettlebell or a series of cardio exercises in our basement for me.
Once the gym re-opens, here are some tips from on staying germ-free at the gym and some at-home workouts from SWEAT. What ways are you staying fit at home if your gym is closed?

How To Start Working Out At Home
Set SMART goals
Get the workout essentials
Take some photos
Learn the key bodyweight exercises
Find a workout style you like
More tips from SWEAT can be found here.

5 Ways to Stay Germ-Free at the Gym
Wash your hands a lot
Shower before you go home
Carry separate bags for your dirty and clean stuff
Bring your own yoga mat
Use common sense
More information can be found here.